Reawaken to Divine Love

Work With Me

I work with soul-centered women who are ready to heal, unleash their inner goddess, and deepen their spiritual practice, by living mindfully and radiantly, so they can thrive while feeling spacious, balanced, luminous, and energetically connected to themselves, their truth, and their people.

We clean the mirror of your heart, so you can see and feel and live into your true nature, through the practices of Bhakti yoga (teachings, philosophy, and devotional living), various meditation techniques (chakra meditations, mindfulness practices, and japa/mantra meditation), Reiki (subtle body energetic healing), and working through grief that is a natural and necessary aspect of our human experience. We will do the work to awaken to your spiritual identity, and also awaken to your full humanness. We are spiritual beings living a human life, after all.

If you are ready to deepen your spiritual practice, create more presence, reduce stress and anxiety, trust in the unfolding of your life, do the subtle body healing work to release past stories and move forward & upward from an intentional, empowered, and connected space then this is for you. 

I work with people in the following ways.

  • Deep Dive Coaching + Reiki Session

    Let’s begin our connection (or have a tune up) with a single 90 minute deep dive session allowing you to be heard, seen, and held in a safe container of healing. Receive practical guidance, tools, SOULwork, and an energy healing session.

  • Power of Presence

    This is for you if you want to create a meditation and mindfulness practice in your life that will trickle out into every area, whether its relationships to yourself (energetic body, movement, your mind), relationship to others (holding space, listening and communicating), food, or work. This is the foundation of all the work I do with my clients, and will allow you to start to create miracles in your everyday life.

  • Energetic Mastery + Reiki Training

    This is for you if you want to master your own energy and weave it into your greater healing and service to the world. This group program with 2 in person immersions is for Empaths, Intuitives, & Modern Mystics (in training), and you’ll also receive Reiki Level 1 & 2 certification!

  • Depth + Devotion

    This is for you want to create a virtual sangha (spiritual community) & immerse yourself in the sacred practices of Bhakti Yoga, Subtle Body Energy Healing, Going with Grace (death, grief, & loss), and Living with Radiance & Purpose (clarifying your dharma & living it). This is the core group program in my Mystery School which supports you in creating a steady spiritual practice and structure, identifying and letting go of limiting beliefs, processing grief, preparing for death, and celebrating your dharma while infusing it all into your life!

  • Retreats

    This is for you if you want to go deep in a sacred container in a beautiful location where you can really start to develop your intuition, learn different skills and techniques to deepen your spiritual practice, and meet amazing like-minded people. We travel to majestic locations all around the world, to consciously travel, and tune into both our inner and outer landscapes. Expect daily yoga/asana/movement classes, chanting, inner inquiry & self refection, and incredible adventures while making lifelong friends!!

  • 1-on-1

    You will be held and supported while you uncover and address subtle body healing, receive reiki treatments, address patterns that are no longer serving you that you are ready to replace, name your limiting beliefs and loosen their grip on you & your choices, create a daily spiritual practice (called Sadhana) that will be a place to take shelter within your own being as you continue to navigate the waves of life. Step into your power, and remember who you are, a goddess who is here to serve and be a conduit of love.

  • Sacred Ceremonies

    A sacred ceremony is a spiritual way to honor a new beginning, a life-changing event, rite of passage, milestone, or end of an individual’s life. Kishori (aka Kelly)  offers a variety of sacred ceremony services and would be honored to work with you to create a meaningful and personalized ceremony.

  • End of Life Doula Services

    I work with people who are looking for support around their grief, and moving through and managing loss. I offer support and preparation for leaving your body (preparing for your own final rite of passage: death), grieving the loss of a loved one, losses of jobs, relationships, and sense of identity/self.

  • 21 Days to Reawaken to Divine Love

    A sacred 21 day meditation challenge to help you deepen your connection to God through Bhakti Yoga practices, energy healing, and heartfelt spirituality. Each day, you will integrate meditative practices, healing tools, and reflective prompts designed to create a lasting bond with the God of your understanding, honor grief, and awaken devotion. 

    BEGINS: Saturday, January 11th

  • Sacred Alchemy Circle

    A Digital Sangha Membership for Soul-Centered Seekers of Connection, Growth, and Divine Love…

    …where spirituality, yoga, Bhakti, energy healing, and soul-aligned coaching converge to help you deepen your spiritual practice, embrace healing, and connect with a community of like-hearted beings.

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