Spiritual Coaching + Healing Programs

I will help you Cultivate a Deeper Faith in the Divine,

 Uncover & Hold Your Shadow Parts,

Manage Grief & Discomfort,

Heal & Release Subtle Body Stuck Energy,

Learn to Listen to Your Inner Compass,

Live an Aligned Radiant Life,

& Hear the Whispers of Divinity 

in everyday Miracles.

This is a customized program for you:

Based on your deepest desires, your grandest vision, and your most aligned truths.

It’s an invitation to step forward & upward and live into the UPLEVELED VERSION OF YOU,

and to choose to live in a more meaningful, connected, deeper way. In this sacred container, we will do the necessary subtle body healing that will allow you to unlock your inner radiance, to uncover and move through limiting beliefs, and feel supported & held as you discover how to use your gifts as service in the world.

This is for you, if you want to fully step in and weave your faith into your life with artistry and grace, so you can hone in on your gifts, be of divine service in the world, and deepen your connection to DIVINITY / KRISHNA / GOD / SPIRIT / MAMA GAIA / HIGHER POWER in miraculous new ways.

I will help you discover your connection to the Divine, develop a steady Sadhana (spiritual practice),  & do the necessary inner work to share your gifts with the world in a meaningful way, making your life an offering of Divine Love.

We will explore how to spiritualize all aspects of your life; seeing the Divinity within Yourself, and All Living Beings.

Here’s How My Unique Methodology Works + What You’ll Learn:

Step 1:

Clearing out what no longer serves you

At the start of this sacred container we will do the deeper energetic work to remove any hidden obstacles or subconscious beliefs that have held you back in the past so that you can finally bust through the old habits and into this new life you’ve wanted for some time now. And, you get clear on exactly what you want for your life.

Step 2:

Realign Your Energy To Awaken Your True Potential

Next we will explore the 7 chakras (energy vortexes in your body) and how these effect your thoughts, energy, and overall wellbeing, and you will receive personalized reiki treatments to help facilitate healing in your subtle body. What this means for you is you get to have the physical results AND do the inner work that makes true and lasting change possible

We will uncover those parts of you that have been cast aside; your grief, your fear, your doubts, your guilt, your shame - and invite ALL PARTS of you to take a seat at the divine table of your life…welcoming and holding all your parts, the shadow and the light, which actually makes you WHOLE.

Step 3:

Deepen Your Spiritual Practice to Cultivate a Miraculous Life

Next, we will implement the life enhancing practices of yoga, the healing magic of deep energy work, and the work of miracles to help you rediscover your unique connection to the divine, cultivate a lasting and uninterrupted spiritual practice, uncover your unique gift/offering to the world – and discover how you can begin to live and share it. You create a consistent spiritual practice, and this will help you cultivate the life you truly desire.

Step 4:

Live your Yoga: Discover a life of Divine Purpose

Learn how to use your spiritual practice as a foundation to create a beautiful, magical life of service, understanding your purpose, and bringing your devotion out into the world. 

We explore the teachings of Bhakti Yoga, the yoga of love and devotion – learning to live your yoga, rather than simply practice it on a yoga mat. Be prepared to excavate from the inside out, to face your shadow sides, to honor your light, and to learn to live through the lens of love.

We are meant to be connected to Krishna/Divinity within the Heart, Krishna enters the body of every living being, as the supersoul. In order to become saturated in your divine nature and expand, you need to MARINATE YOUR MIND in devotional service, spiritual teachings, and practices. We will do just this; filling your life with more wonder, gratitude, and appreciation which will allow you to find shelter in times of deep discomfort & grief, and recognize the beauty all around you in the form of mundane moments and divine whispers, both of which are full of miracles.

Anything is Possible!

You get to have anything, you just have to be willing to ask for and claim it!!

You will create your vision, and I will help you see and activate and know your vision, and guide you step by step to get you there. 

Sweet soul, the energy you put out is what you are going to get in return, so this is an opportunity for you to uplevel your commitment to your own growth and in turn your impact in the world. When you make this commitment, this may be the hardest part, because you are fully committing to YOURSELF. You create the value from what you bring to it, and when you make that commitment that’s when the magic and miracles happen. 

From this place of energetic alignment, the divine knows you are open and you become an energetic match for the life you envision for yourself. 

Here’s How We Can Work Together:


1-on-1 Sacred Container Offerings:

6 Month Spiritual Coaching & Healing Program

  • 16 sessions (2-3 a month, with space for integration)

  • Content, Soulwork, journaling and Recorded Practices

  • Access to me in between our sessions via email


VIP: 8 Month

Spiritual Coaching & Healing Program +1-on-1 Retreat

24 sessions (3 a month, 1 week integration) 

  • + 1-on-1 Retreat (Friday eve- Sunday midday, 2 nights 3 days includes food, accommodations, massage, reiki, yoga, meditation, deep dive philosophy and healing work), about 1 month into our work

  • Content, Soulwork, journaling and Recorded Practices

  • Access to me in between our sessions via email

Are You Ready To:

Create the life you’ve always dreamt of but doubted was possible? 

Bring the sacredness of spiritual life into the mundane quality of material life?

Unleash your inner goddess, and have a more meaningful impact on the world and all those you meet?

Hone in on your unique gifts and make them an offering of service and divine love in the world?

Let’s activate Your Vision and in turn Transform your life my sweet!!!


What People Are Saying

"You have been a ray of light for me personally, you have had an impact in my life and I wanted to say thank you. You helped me out of the darkness.”

— Maureen Conway

“Being fully committed to this course isn't easy. It definitely takes time and effort, but I found that as long as I was present and cared, it worked out. I'm proud of myself for trying something new and appreciate that this was available to me.

With Kishori's guidance, along with her nonjudgmental, helpful attitude, it made it all so much easier. Also just have to throw in that she has such a beautiful soul. So thank you!.”

— Amber Welch

“The container that Kelly holds is always such a special one - whether in this program, at Kirtan, or out in the world.

Being a part of this group, connecting with other like-minded people around the company, and experiencing all of our growth together over eight weeks is something magical and healing.

I also deeply enjoy and value the opportunity for everyone to share at each session - this really helps with the feeling of interconnectedness. The number of times I resonated with someone's share is too many to count.”

— Shelby

"Thank you for all that you do! I don’t know if you realize the great impact you have on others with your presence.”

— Patti Litt

“I’m so full of gratitude for everything that Kishori has given to me and continues to share with me.

My heart is open. I’m building relationships from within that I never knew existed until 2 years ago. With so much gratitude and love.”

— Amy Salgado

“This program was a life changer for me...I'm not into mediation, yoga & breathing techniques...

Well Kelly managed to changed my perception & I'm slowly adopting those methods & integrating them into my life. I feel less hectic & more at peace.

One of my favorite thing was to match us with our buddy. I got to meet someone new & expand my horizon. Talking that 90 minutes once a week for 8 weeks was a shift in my work week, I've never done that before. Well worth it & if the company offers it again, I'll be signing up for it!”

— Nat Voitchovsky