Client Love & Testimonials
Hear what other Sweet Souls are saying about our work together!
“I found Kishori during a really dark time and since working with her I have begun to see the light. She has taught me the importance of connecting to our true nature and understanding that we are all innately made up of unconditional love. Learning to live with this lens has allowed me to see the way my mind tries to tell me I am not enough and Kishori has given me the tools and knowledge to look in and work through the limiting beliefs.
I have been able to show up more authentically in my everyday life and even if it’s uncomfortable, it feels more real than ever before.
I am feeling more and listening, not numbing it out with external things to cope with the discomfort. Kishori’s loving, warm, gentle and accepting energy has given me the space to open up in ways I never thought possible. Kishori’s work is a gift to this world that keeps on giving.”
“My time with Kishori was made possible through divine intervention. At a point where I didn’t realize my world would be falling apart right after she entered it, I let her in and she always reminded me that I was on stable ground and things were happening FOR ME. She helped me see that the cyclone of my exterior could be the catalyst for my interior breaking open. Her pivotal influence on me doing SOUL work allowed me to RISE from the broken pieces surrounding me. I saw that I could change everything I was doing and believe in myself and LOVE with the capital L. Though much of this was not easy to go through, I couldn’t have even thought to ask for a more LUMINANT goddess sister to guide, teach, encourage, stretch, and support me through this entire chapter of my life.
I could not stand here today and say that I remembered who I really was without Kelly. She showed me how to remember and know real, pure love.”
— MARTINE ANTELL, September 2022
“Signing up to do "The Art of Inner Listening" has changed my life. At our last session, I told you that I was excited to do this for the rest of my life. I still am. The foundations I learned in this course are with me each time I practice.
I know I am my next-level self because of the journey that we took together.
Through the weekly sessions I was amazed at how much can change in a week. I was continually blessed by the lessons I learned in this program to aid me in the hills and valleys of life, and I experienced a lot in our time together!
I will always hold a place in my heart and soul for the time we shared. I will be coming back for Return to Love...soon! Even now I can feel the energy - I'll be scheduling a reiki session shortly!
Thank you for sharing your gift with me and the world.”
“When I first contacted Kishori, I was a new(ish) mom with an active toddler, a full time job, and a second child on the way. I often felt anxious and worried or exhausted and burnt out. I wanted to reconnect and be more present for my family but what I got was so much more. Shortly after we started working together I experienced a miscarriage. In the past I have had a tendency to push emotions to the side and just move on. Kishori taught me how to acknowledge my grief and the tools to process it. One of the quotes Kelly told me often was from Albert Einstein "There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." I believe that my choice to work with Kelly at this time was a miracle.
She helped me through one of the most difficult experiences as well as what self care looks like and how to take my yoga practice off the mat.
I finished "The Art of Inner Listening"a better mom, wife, sister, and friend.”
“I’ve learned to appreciate everyday miracles, take time to take care of yourself and turn "selfish" into "selfless", how to be a good active listener, meditation practices that help clear mind and restore inner peace.”
“Kishori is such a patient and thoughtful instructor. She really helped me explore the benefits of meditation. I've already recommended this course to coworkers..”
“I learned how important it is to live mindfully and how it keeps you connected to the world around you and the people you spend time with. The program was a great way to edit my worldview and let me see how I respond to things and how those responses could be different and more mindful. Like if you always look for negativity, that's all you're going to find.
Welcoming change and positive energy will help you find more positivity and better opportunities!”
"Kishori helped right my ship that I felt was going further and further off course. I longed for a deeper connection with the divine but struggled with maintaining a sincere spiritual practice. I prayed to God for guidance and I was pulled to Vermont where I first met Kishori at the VTBT Festival at Milldale Farm. I felt her presence before I even saw her; I heard her beautiful singing voice carried throughout the valley, and when I first saw her face to face, I immediately sensed that she was a truly devoted spiritual being-- that she really walked the walk.
I didn't know it before but Krishna (God/Source) gives us the medicine we need when we need it most. For me, meeting Kelly was a gift, and working consistently with her on a weekly basis for 8 months was life-changing in all the best ways. Kishori held me lovingly accountable and valued my participation in this growing process. She heard what I said and intuited what I needed. The 1-to-1 retreat in VT at the Waitsfield Inn was so personalized and special.
I can honestly say that as a result of my container with Kishori, I have achieved the goals that I set in the beginning of our time together- -and the overall experience helped me elevate my consciousness and open my heart.
I am forever grateful that I had the opportunity to work so intimately with such a radiant spirit soul. If you have the opportunity to work with Kishori, please don't hesitate. She is beyond amazing and so, so inspiring. 💚 "
“Stepping into a 1-on-1 spiritual coaching container with Kishori was the catalyst I needed for cultivating a life which only resided within my dreams. The events of my life had conditioned me to hold such limiting beliefs within my subtle body, greatly impacting my ability to connect with my innermost essence - my soul. As Kishori provided a sacred space for beginning to uncover, realign, and facilitate soul healing, my heart changed in ways I could have never anticipated. It was through this container that I learned to unveil the Truth within, to find peace, experience great joy, and deeply understand how to live in my light. Just as my heart began to soften, this openness provided room for receiving the greatest gift, sincere connection within my spirituality through love. Kishori guided and nurtured in such a way that I was able to deepen my relationship with Krishna, fully stepping forward on the spiritual path which resonated with my own individual making, establishing the foundation for all that unfolded through this resplendent work together.
I will forever be deeply grateful for working with Kishori in this way, she is such a rare gift in this life. It is through her radiance and her genuine loving nature as a conduit of Divine Grace that I was able to emerge from the shadows within and live in the light that awaits for all of us.”